Healthy Recipes:CheeseCake Muffins

Cheesecake Muffins

1 pkg gelatin (plain)
1 c boiling water
16 oz soft cream cheese

1 t vanilla
16 pkgs Splenda®
1 oz unsw. Chocolate, melted (optional)

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water and stir well. Cut cheese into small pieces and place in dissolved gelatin. Add melted chocolate (if using) and mix. Add vanilla, sweetener and beat well with electric mixer (2 min. on med/hi). Pour into buttered pie pan or 12 muffin cups. (If using muffin cups, put cupcake paper in cup first). Chill until firm, 2-3 hours. Makes 12.

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March 13, 2007 at 10:42 pm Leave a comment

Weight Loss Secrets: Banishing Your Hunger

Weight Loss Secrets To Banishing Hunger

It is not always a matter of going without things, such as food,
in order to lose weight. There are a number of things you need to

start adding in, in adequate quantity that will assist your body
to lose weight.


I encourage you to make sure you get plenty of good drinking water
in each day. I suggest one quart of water for every 50 pounds of
weight. So if you weighed 150, you would need three quarts of water.

Vegetables and Fruit

March 11, 2007 at 10:40 pm Leave a comment

Top Sources of Natural Vitamins

Are Vitamins hard to find? Do you take Vitamin supplements?

Here’s some information you cannot miss.

Vitamins are not really that hard to find. There are plenty in fresh fruits and vegetables. Yes, you have to learn to love the veggies if you are going to lose weight and stay healthy. It’s just a fact and there’s no negotiations.

Ok, so you know you need Vitamins right? They are easily found in everyday food that we eat (the healthy ones) and the ones found in our food are much more easily absorb-able (is that a word?) and usable by the body.

Read the full article, Top Sources of Natural Vitamins

March 9, 2007 at 10:28 pm Leave a comment

Top Five Weight Loss Tips

Top 5 Tips to Weight Loss

Let’s approach weight loss from a healthy, long term view point. That means that we will not be talking about fads and crash diets, which leads us to our first healthy tip.

Crash Diets Are Out

It seems simple enough. When you seriously decrease your calorie intake, the body starts to digest fats. This sounds great, but there is a hidden danger here. Since burning fat needs a lot of energy, your body will run at a slow pace which can weaken your immune system and result in illness and fatigue.

Increase Your Lean Muscle Mass

Why is exercise important? The answer is because muscles burn calories when they work. Actually, muscles are burning calories all day long. Therefore, if you increase your muscle mass through resistance exercises, it follows that you will burn even more calories.

Get Proper Nutrition

Now that we know the importance of increasing muscle mass, we need to feed those muscles. Stay away from fried foods, and focus on broiled, steamed or roasted varieties of whatever you are eating. Protein is very important for muscle preservation, so never cut protein intake.

Don’t Inhale Your Food

Most of us eat so fast that our stomach doesn’t have enough time to alert the brain to signal our mouth that it’s time to stop chewing. How can we slow down? Try this. After each bite, we suggest that you chew, swallow and then put down your fork. Take a drink of water and then start again. If you follow this technique, you will see results.

Have Another Drink

Of course we mean have another drink of cold, refreshing water. When you’re trying to loss weight, water will help flush the waste products from your body. And you need water to deliver nutrients to your muscles which in turn will speed up your weight loss program.

March 9, 2007 at 10:23 pm Leave a comment
